(General Principles of Contract)
(Paper Code : K-1005)
The course shall comprise of the following :
(1) Purpose, Evolution and Scope of Law of Contracts
(2) Proposal and Promise Including Communication of Proposal, Acceptance and Communication of the Revocation of Proposal and Acceptance.
(3) Consideration and Doctrine of Privity of Contract.
(4) Lawful Object and Consideration.
(5) Capacity to Contract : Minors, Persons of Unsound Mind and Others Disqualified by Law ; Nature and Effects of Minor's Agreements; Doctrine of Restitution.
(6) Consent and Free Consent.
(7) Standard Form of Contracts
(8) Agreements Declared Void and Voidable Under the Contract Act.
(9) Contingent Contracts
(10) Law Relating to Certain Relations Resembling those Created by Contracts,
viz., Quasi-Contracts.
(11) Discharge of contracts with special reference to the doctrine of frustration.
(12) Remedies in the form of compensation
Anson’s Law of Contract.
Bangia R.K. (Dr.), Indian Contract Act
Desai S.T., The Indian Contract Act
Kapoor S.K., Contract
Moitra A.C., (Dr.), Principles and Digest of Indian Contract Act.
Pollock and Mulla, Indian Contract and Specific Relief Act
Singh Avtar (Dr.), Law of Contract
Purpose, Evolution and Scope of Law of